A review by michael__
Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen


After the fairly straightforward plot of A Doll's House, Ghosts was surprisingly intricate and convoluted. After reading two of his plays, I praise Ibsen for creating an intriguing web of characters and having the ability to keep his stories tense throughout. Even when his characters are simply conversing, I can feel the tension piling on top of itself. Who knew conversations could be so interesting?

Apparently, Ibsen wrote Ghosts with the hopes of shocking those who were still recovering from his earlier works. He basically said, "Oh, you think a woman leaving her family is bad? Wait until I write about venereal diseases." He packs plenty of other controversial topics in this play as well, such as incest and infidelity.

You may never read this (it may be one of his least popular plays), but it is still highly entertaining and thought-provoking.