A review by renatasnacks
Gena/Finn by Kat Helgeson, Hannah Moskowitz


I'm sure this is going to garner comparisons to [b:Fangirl|16068905|Fangirl|Rainbow Rowell|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1355886270s/16068905.jpg|21861351], the current landmark YA novel about fandom. But this book gave me a lot of what Fangirl was lacking--the importance of fannish FRIENDSHIPS and how intense they can be. I really loved it for that.

I'm still chewing on the ending--I think it functions as a kind of critique of the hurt/comfort tropes that are so beloved by fandom. While also... kind of... being that?

SpoilerI saw some criticisms of this for the two girls not ending up together romantically, but I think I'm glad that they didn't? I totally feel that intense online friendship doesn't necessarily have to equal a romantic relationship, and I think this book just really strongly values the friendship.

Anyway, overall, I really enjoyed this for its strong fandom friendships. I thought the mixed media inclusion of fanfic and message boards worked, and I think this will have NA crossover the way Fangirl does.