A review by light_prophecy_28416
Gotham: Dawn of Darkness by Jason Starr


I found that I enjoyed this book most when read in large doses. If I committed myself at least half an hour to this book, I really got absorbed in the story and the characters but anything less than that and I found myself not really caring most of the time. This is a shame as certain characters, like Harvey, are loveable all of the time, then you get a POV chapter from someone like Thomas Wayne who, on his own, is incredible dreary and monotonous. This novel had to lose 1 star from me for that. A good story should not only make you want to read more, but should make you want to read more even if you only had time to read 1 chapter the night before.

I also had to drop a star for the bad editing. I don't know if this is just my edition of the book or if this is a recurring problem, but characters would quite often have their names changed mid-sentence (e.g. Jake would suddenly become Jack) and odd words would appear in the middle of sentences where they shouldn't have been. It also always seemed to happen at a really exciting time in the book, causing me to completely lose the narrative and flow of the story so I struggled to wrap my mind around what was going on.

I really wanted to love this novel as I am such a huge fan of the TV show and, for the most part, I did really enjoy it. There were just parts where it didn't really flow properly or I would read a page 3 times and not take a lot of it in because it felt so similar to something I read 20 pages before. There were times when the writing felt quite amateurish. Overall, 3 out of 5 stars for an enjoyable storyline (when a good chunk of it is read in a single sitting) and a very intriguing concept regarding the lead-up to Thomas and Martha Wayne's murders.