A review by finlay_b
Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Tom Griffiths, Brian Christian


A fantastic exploration of some of the most interesting problems encountered in the field of computer science. 

This covers a wide range of topics including search, scheduling, complexity and so on. Where this book shines is in the examples and use cases used to illustrate each problem - and establish the importance of being able to compute (reasonably) good answers to them. 

We also delve into the applications of computer science in less obviously-related disciplines like psychology and philosophy. Intriguing and entertaining, these tangents develop an even greater appreciation of just how relevant and creative computer science can be.

The authors write with a perfect level of detail throughout; not so technical as to make it inaccessible, but covers enough such that the reader can fully grasp the challenges discussed and how the proposed solutions address them. One of the best science books I’ve encountered.