A review by planningwithgrammy
Outside The Ropes by Ashley Claudy


Not sure how I feel about this book. lots of dark drama. She goes with a guy that is obviously not the intended love I Teresa in the book. And when ever she does get with the intended it is short. And the guy drops to "L" word and she is so beaten up mentally she almost skims over it. It was a lost moment. But to have the book be about her struggles and how she is introduced to boxing and how she NEVER takes the easy way out especially anything offered by a man is the interesting part about this book. Not a lot of romance in a traditional way. But feelings are created and lost through hardship.i guess I will rate it 3 stars only because I didn't feel like the couple had a time when both were feeling the same way about each other and expressed it at the same time. I almost wonder if book 2 is going to be more darkness. Questioning if I should continue with the series. I want to see them together. But not sure I want to spend those hours reading to get there.