A review by paperbacksandpines
October, October by Katya Balen


I was not expecting to be punched in the feels with this one, as I had no idea what was in store.

Our main character, October, has been raised in the woods with her father her entire 11 years of life. Although her home is close to a local village, all of her learning and living takes place at home, away from society and school, with the exception of a yearly trip to the market.

I'm not sure if the author chose to paint October as someone so little in control of her emotions and actions because she hadn't been properly socialized or, if there was a deeper cause such as she was on the autistic spectrum. Some of her actions made me question this.

This book had a lot of heart, just like the best middle grade books do. It reminded me of one of my favorite books, [b:The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise|39280558|The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise|Dan Gemeinhart|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1535034048l/39280558._SY75_.jpg|57956893], not in terms of theme but in terms of heart. The addition of a pet owl, Thig, thrown in, and it was inevitable that I was going to cry at least once while reading this book.

What a great choice for an October read. I'd fully recommend this one.