A review by sandeeisreading
Eve by Anna Carey


Dystopian has always been one of my least favorite genre in YA books.
I have read good ones like Hunger Games and Divergent.
I loved those but like Wither the first dystopian book I’ve read, Eve did not live up to my expectation.

Reading Eve had been a struggle. It started out good but gradually I became more and more unenthusiastic about it.
If this was how we are going to be 2032 then I wouldn’t want to be alive during that time.
No exaggeration!


Majority of the Earth’s population has been wiped out due to a plague that corrupted the Earth.
Young girls like Eve were hidden away in a school solely for girls and was taught to fear men.
These girls were educated so that after they graduate they could move in to the city.
Eve’s mind was set in graduating and dreaming of a future outside the school but what she found out just a day before her graduation shocked her.
All the other girls who graduated weren’t at the city as all the teachers said they would be after they graduate.
What happened to the other girls?
They became breeders to repopulate the New America


I had major issues with this book.
It wasn’t entirely original in my opinion because it reminded me of Wither which I didn’t like but after reading Eve and found myself liking that book more than this one.
It’s not about the writing because I thought it was written pretty decently.
There are misses on the plague not being discussed further.
You wouldn’t have a clue how it started or what went on and why the people died and stuff like that.
I hope it would include a little bit of what caused the plague or what happened to the people affected by the plague just like in Hunger Games wherein it was explained how the HG games started.
Also there’s the forced breeding.
I mean seriously?
Why didn’t they just made everyone marry early with the person they love and make babies rather than locking the girls all up and produce babies against their will.
How disturbing is that?

Then there’s Eve.
She was smart.
I actually liked her a bit. She cares about her friends but since she had no choice she had to leave.
But she was also very naïve (which wasn’t her fault) and she got into so many unnecessary situation it wasn’t even funny anymore.
She was supposed to be smart right?
And besides she’s been taught to fear men right? How can she fall in love so quickly?
One word to describe Eve?
I actually liked Arden more than Eve.
She was rebellious and all but she was tough.
She learned how to swim by herself.
She was a complete contrast to Eve which was a very good touch to this story.


The cover was gorgeous.
It was the one that drawn me to this book in the first place.
(I always wanted to have reddish hair. :D )
The attack of the pretty covers strikes again.
It was like Fury and Carrier of the Mark all over again.

Anyways, I give it a 2.
I am not giving it a one because it wasn’t all bad. I think.