A review by bookevin
Killer Heels by Rebecca Chance


Title : Killer Heels
Author : Rebecca Chance
Publication date : 2nd August 2012
Publisher : Simon & Schuster UK
Source : Sent by publisher, thank you!

Rating : 5/5

Starry-eyed ingénue Coco Raeburn is passionately ambitious. She will do anything - and anyone - to get her own editorship at a top fashion magazine.
And her ruthless boss Victoria Glossop, editor at top UK fashion magazine Style, will do everything in her power to stop her… But Victoria has her own ambitions - she wants the top job at Style's US headquarters, and nothing will come between her and her dream.

Uber-svengali Jacob Dupleix, media magnate, owner of Style, and one of the most powerful men in New York and London, is used to controlling all he sees. But when Victoria demands that he give her the US Style editorship, he gives in, little realizing that his empire could be about to fall apart.
In New York, mentor and voice of calm in a storm, Mereille watches the shifts of power with detached amusement. If only they knew quite how much power she could wield if she had to…

Right after Simon & Schuster signed me up on their mailing list, I was told Killer Heels by Rebecca Chance will be sent my way. About a month and half later, I was over the moon when this lovely nugget of chick lit arrived in my mailbox. I did a little research and read a few samples of Rebecca's previous books on Amazon and I have to say, I was actually looking forward to reading Killer Heels as the book blurb really piqued my interest.

As I was getting more and more warmed up to the new style of chick lit - Kate Forster, Tasmina Perry, etc - I found this book utterly delectable. The first chapter drew me into the world of high fashion and glamour, very The Devil Wears Prada - which I enjoyed immensely. I don't know if it's my one-time passion for fashion or the scandalous story I was letting myself into, the book really appealed to me and I enjoyed every page of this addictive novel.

The story follows three women - Coco, originally Jodie but had her name changed as her boss, the most well-respected editor, Victoria, who would do anything to climb up the career ladder and be an editor herself, then there was Victoria Glossop, the ice queen of Style magazine - ruthless, ambitious and would make Miranda Priestly look like a kitten. And lastly, Mireille - the fashion director who had an ulterior motive, playing her cards well around the other women. All three of these women were bound together by none other than Svengali Jacob Dupleix, the most influential media tycoon, who had all of them wrapped around his little fingers, albeit greasy.

As usual, there was loads of saucy, naughty bits in the book, as the hype of steamy, erotic fiction has hit the book world, the sexy, racy scenes in the book were really fun to read. I know, I shouldn't spoil it for you, but it's so good. Shhh. (Don't tell my mum!) I really admired how easily Rebecca could write from different angles in the book, cleverly manipulating the plot and ta-da - a parfaite storyline!

The plot of the story was smooth and Rebecca Chance's writing style suited me, as I could read page after page with ease. I really liked how Rebecca has the ability to twist the plot and that left me stuck, bereft, wanting more - the only is to read on. On certain nights I would even stay up late to finish the parts of the book as it is divided into different parts - spanning from the beginning of Coco's career until the sweet ending.

Hoping I didn't give anything away, I really loved this book. It was biting, sharp, scheming, clever and totally addictive. I loved it! If you're a huge fan of The Devil Wears Prada and Fifty Shades of Grey, consider this a fabulous summer read because it's the perfect bonkbuster and summer read all wrapped up in one! I can't recommend it highly enough! And.. I was the first person to rate it on Goodreads. Such an achievement! Hurrah, 5 stars, Rebecca!

Feel free to chat up with Rebecca's lovely husband whose name I haven't got a clue of on Twitter. I simply call him sir. Or Mr Chance. Either way, he's a total sweetheart! (@MrRebeccaChance)