A review by ltg584
Adrenaline Rush by Cindy M. Hogan


First off, I did it again. Sort of. As I started into the book, I realized right away that it was reading like a sequel. ARGH! Not again! I have a bad habit of accidentally picking up the second book in a series. Now I find out, I have the fourth!?! Not really. Adrenaline Rush, while not directly part of a series, is still a sequel to a trilogy. Lucky for me, I found it wasn’t required to have read the other books first. I followed the plot with zero difficulty, but there are a certain amount of spoilers. If you plan on reading the other books at all, then I would recommend doing it first. I’ll wait a while before diving into them, in the hopes that I will forget the spoilers. :P

So there I was, moving along with the story, when all of a sudden I hit 33%. Then all of a sudden, the plot took a turn into the world of WTF?! It went from being a fairly typical suspense, to peculiar, bizarre, and utterly fascinating! I couldn’t put it down once I reached that pivotal turning point! I refuse to say anything else to spoil it, but you won’t have a chance to guess what’s about to happen.

Connecting with the characters was tough. Maybe it was assumed that I would already be attached to Christy from the first books? Anyway, while I would normally get to know a character by how they interact with others, there wasn’t much dialogue, so I had to observe their actions instead. There is a lot of guessing and second guessing about everyone’s motives, which is perfect for a suspense novel! Hogan had me guessing right up until the end. I couldn’t see how everything could possibly wrap up in time, and I mentally prepared myself for the mother of all cliffhangers.

I was on the fence as to whether or not I should put an age warning on this book. There is a large amount of violence, but after all is said and done, it isn’t overly graphic. Sexuality plays only a very minor role. As a parent, I wouldn’t have a problem with my teens reading this. Mom Approved!

There were a couple niggly things, like plot gaps and discrepancies, that bothered me but only a little. For example, the cover. Not for one second of the story does Christy/Misha look like that. As long as the little details don’t bother you, you will be thrilled with this book. In fact, I suffered a severe case of book hangover after this one!

A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.