A review by bootman
This is Marketing: You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn To See by Seth Godin


I love Seth Godin and his advice about marketing, but his books are sometimes hit or miss for me. Sometimes, I just feel like the books are a little too profound without much insight or wisdom. This book is definitely one of the ones that I loved and will be reading again for sure. There is so much practical advice with solid logic about marketing in this book that makes it more than worth the cost of the book. I think the best part about this book, and Seth’s skillset in general, is that regardless of what you’re marketing, you can use every ounce of this book from cover to cover. As a writer, I’m always trying to make my writing inclusive, and Seth seems to do it seamlessly. Whether you’re selling a product, service, or just marketing your ideas, this book will be exactly what you’re looking for.