A review by geeky_anguissette
Payback Princess by C.M. Stunich


Mixed feelings

I have some very mixed feelings about this one. I am enthralled by the story. I couldn't stop reading even if I'd wanted to. I love the premise that it's a 16 year old girl who knows tha5 she's out of her depth. I simply adore the tension that builds between Dakota and each of her guys. I even found sympathy for Tess, and I can't say that I anticipated that so early.

But there's something about the verb tense that bothers me, and I'm a word/grammar aficionado. It's written in first person present tense, but then there are snippets that are also first person present but they appear to be from a future Dakota's perspective. It's almost like she's looking back and commenting on the action, in which case, I want everything written from that perspective, so first person past tense would feel better to me. I know it's a tiny detail in an otherwise fantastic book, but it pulled me out if the story every time.

I am eager for Endgame Romance's release next month. As bad as it is, watching Justin's manipulations is like seeing a train wreck and having a moral imperative to gawk. The challenge he presents does a great job of showcasing Dakota and her men.