A review by sophiecatherine
A Thousand Heartbeats by Kiera Cass


First things first, the writing style was, well, not the best. It lacked the emotional punch and descriptive flair that I crave in a romance story. I wanted to feel butterflies and heartache, but instead, things just happened without much impact. One major problem was the confusing connections between events and characters. It was like trying to untangle a giant knot of earphones. I couldn't follow the story's flow, and it left me feeling disconnected from the characters and their journeys.
Speaking of characters, the main romantic relationship was a hot mess. I mean, why did they have to go there with Nickolas? It was unnecessarily gross and belittling, making it hard to root for anyone involved. I couldn't relate to their decisions at all. Now, let's talk about the worldbuilding. Yawn. It was about as exciting as watching paint dry. I couldn't visualize the setting or get invested in the world they were trying to create. It lacked depth and excitement, leaving me feeling unengaged throughout. And oh boy, the speed at which everyone fell in love was mind-boggling! It was like they had instant love potions or something. I get it's a romance novel, but come on, give us some realistic development and chemistry between characters. All in all, the book reads like a rough first draft that desperately needs a major rewrite. It fell short in almost every department – from writing style to character dynamics and worldbuilding. I couldn't shake the feeling that the book wasn't fully baked yet. While there might be a glimmer of potential hidden somewhere, it's just not enough to salvage the overall experience. For me, it's a disappointing 2 out of 5 stars.