A review by see_sadie_read
Heart of Steel by Meljean Brook


Well, we have another winner! I very much enjoyed Yasmeen and Archimedes' story. Yasmeen was a great, strong female lead and Archimedes was like an anti-alpha. The man had some definite subby tendencies that I found adorable.

Though the world-building is as impressive as in the first book, I didn't feel the plot was quite as expansive. Therefore, I wasn't as wowed here as I had been with The Iron Duke (though I still really liked it).

I also thought Yasmeen's attitude toward Archimedes seemed to shift suddenly and without a lot of clear reasons, especially considering how vested she was in not falling in love. Plus, as I've seen frequently in romances, the deeper in love she fell the weepier she became. This especially annoyed me as she was otherwise so...well, not unemotional, as she's passionate and full of emotion, but also not one inclined to the softer emotions. Tears seem drastically out of character.

Despite a few little niggles, I'm in love with this series and hope my local library gets the rest of the series.