A review by colossal
Dead Men's Boots by Mike Carey


Castor's cases get mixed up again and he and Juliet end up investigating the suicide and subsequent haunting of a fellow exorcist along with a vicious rape and murder by someone who may be more innocent than he appears.

I think I'm done with this series. Castor becomes increasingly less likable to me as the series continues, so the stakes keep getting lower. His primary means of interacting with people, including his friends, is by bullying and even he doesn't even particularly like his friends unless they can do something for him or they're involved in something interesting. He uses and abuses with impunity. The only shining light in the book is Juliet and in a lot of ways she's not much better than Castor. She is better than Castor though: her relationship with Sue Book is more genuine than anything that Castor has in his life.

I think it says something when a literal soul-sucking demoness from hell has a more human relationship than anything that the main character has going on.