A review by coranada
Every Day by David Levithan


I liked it, wanted to love it, but honestly one thing about it keeps bugging me. Every time I think about this one thing, it bugs me even more. What might have been a solid four star rating right after I finished it has worn itself down to barely a three. It would be a 2.5 if that was an option. I don't even intentionally think about it but randomly this one thing pops back in my head and pisses me off all over again.

(Spoilers beyond this point)

(Seriously, you've been warned.)

So the premise of the book is a person (soul?) who shifts bodies every day. This person, who calls themself "A" has gotten pretty zen about the whole shifting thing until they fall in love with a girl. But how can you love someone if you are always changing, right? You can't just go around upsetting the life of the person you inhabit for a day but ... blahblahblah that's the premise.

"A" has love and respect for every body "A" inhabits. Except one. The fat guy. The fat guy repulses him, repulses the would-be girlfriend, he finds a hand full of lint in the fat guy's belly button, etc. etc. etc.

I've tried to be chill and okay about this, taken it as an opinion of the body expressed in place of an opinion about "A"s life and choices and state of mind and what not at that point in the story. But seriously? Why is it okay that every single other body "A" took care of and appreciated and treated with respect EXCEPT THE FAT ONE? I borrowed the book or I'd quote specific pieces and MAYBE I'm remembering it worse in my head but... ugh. It just put such a bad taste in my mouth. This character who was such a great example of love and understanding... the fat person is just too much for that. I'm not saying a character needs to be perfect or isn't allowed to have opinions or prejudices or anything. But when "A" is never bothered by any body except that one.... it's like everyone is deserving of love and respect but fat people? Somehow that's just going to far? UGH OKAY SORRY STILL ANGRY.