A review by ashtheaudiomancer
Guest: A Changeling Tale by Mary Downing Hahn


ARC received from publisher's booth at ALA Conference.

This is both true to form for Mary Downing Hahn and a departure from her usual voice and style at the same time. It's a great introduction to Irish myths and folktales for young readers, and I could hardly put it down even as an adult.

The main character's stubbornness became grating at times, and the bittersweet ending drags quite a bit but I also don't know how it could have been handled differently. I like the bittersweetness of the ending however, as it pushes the main character forward while reminding her that what she learned on her journey won't necessarily be shared or appreciated by her family when she returns.

If I had read this as a kid, I would have absolutely loved it, and it would have sent me into an obsession with Irish tales and ghost stories. A great addition to an already impressive body of work.