A review by lizziehutchings
Our Dark Duet by V.E. Schwab


~~edit 02/20/22~~

"Of course it's easier," said Kate. "that doesn't mean it's right.”

I love the deep concepts that this book discusses, and this book does its job of causing its readers to really think about morals.

This book is considerably darker than the first one, and I found myself noticing a lot more symbolic motifs (e.g. Fighting your own monsters).

This novel can be interpreted in so many different ways, and I appreciate the great challenge V.E. took on in writing this.

Have a wonderful afternoon.


Our dark duet is a dark one indeed. This book left me in complete anguish. I have been shook. This book--regarding the characters and the plot--was slightly underwhelming compared to the previous and glorious [b:This Savage Song|51938862|This Savage Song (Monsters of Verity, #1)|Victoria Schwab|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1571267253l/51938862._SY75_.jpg|42855493]. However, I loved revisiting these wonderful characters that warm my heart and my soul. I was sad for August, that he was trapped in his own mind. I have to say, the moral greyness brought to pass in this sequel was enlightening and enraging at the same time. It was hard for the characters to accept that sin does not make one a sinner. Even without the Christian worldview, people make mistakes and people have the opportunity for redemption. The mental journey of accepting that fact for the characters was one of the strongest elements in Our Dark Duet. Bravo, Victoria Schwab. I applaud you for this awe-inspiring sequel.

Have a wonderful afternoon