A review by emmanovella
Delivered from Distraction: Getting the Most Out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder by John J. Ratey, Edward M. Hallowell

I haven't given this book a star rating as I don't feel it's the type of book that can or should be rated. It's somewhat out of date, but that's not necessarily the book's fault and I think for the time it was written, the facts were accurate, and even now, most of them do stand.
I am neurodiverse but am in the process of diagnosis so I don't yet know what conditions I do or do not have but was loaned this book by someone who is diagnosed and had noticed similarities in me and suggested giving this a go as it has some helpful information that would work for someone with or without ADHD.

I've read so many self help books that are just... dreadful, but this is more of a health/informative/educational book and it's written by actual qualified professionals, not Joe Bloggs who thinks he can cure people with conditions he hasn't dealt with or has no understanding of because "if you just think differently" everything will get better. Not only that, but BOTH contributors to this book are diagnosed with ADHD, making this book Own Voices.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone with ADHD - particularly newly diagnosed adults - or parents/relatives/friends of someone on the spectrum as it will definitely help give you more insight into the disorder with an unbiased view towards things like medication. The author makes it clear why they agree with medication but that they know it doesn't work for all and that it's ultimately your choice etc.
I also recommend this to people in my situation - undiagnosed but know something just isn't the same in your brain. This book has really helped me understand myself a bit more and even without my diagnosis yet, I already feel more comfortable in myself and the way I behave.

I guess if I were to rate this book, I'd give it five stars, but I won't due to what I previously mentioned, and also the fact the book is written by Americans with a main focus on the USA's system, therefore I can't really judge the accuracy of that or get much from it on that front.