A review by stateofiction
A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft


I know this book has haters. I just don't think y'all knew what this book was going into though. mind you, this is my first Allison Saft book, so I didn't have any preconceived notions about how her books usually go. but this was a cozy fantasy book. so it held traits of a cozy fantasy book.

yeah, nothing really happened. because it's a cozy fantasy. it's vibes and romance. and I was vibing with the romance.

did it copy Bridgerton with the anonymous gossip column? maybe. idc though

also literally every character was just casually queer. other than the dramatics of us Queers, it was not actually a main part of these characters' lives, and it was really refreshing.

yeah, the ending was kinda easy. but again, it was a cozy fantasy.

moral of the story, read this if you like cozy fantasy.