A review by taytots24
Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


To use the words of the author, I guess I ascribe to "lite feminism" -- i.e. men and women should be treated equally and we need to encourage the same level of exploration/creativity in children of both genders, but also, I'm okay with the idea of chivalry and being proposed to. So while I didn't agree with every word the author wrote, I still really liked this book. It was enlightening, and brought up some points that I think even my fellow conservative/moderate Christians can agree with. I would recommend this to anyone considering someday becoming a parent, even if they didn't consider themselves a feminist -- it's a quick read (barely an hour on audiobook), and it'll help you recognize prejudices you maybe didn't even know you were holding.