A review by secret_librarian
Saints Like Him by Aimee Nicole Walker


Rating: 4
Steam: 3
PoV: dual, 3rd person
MM | age gap | pining | small town

This might be my favourite story so far in this series - Cash and Nick’s romance was beautifully written and full of swoon!

I’ve been so curious about these two and their history, and I loved the glimpses that were shared here. I’m talking 12 years of pining and trying to stay in the friend zone they’d decided upon after a weekend together… This story focused more on their now / future instead of the past though, and kept it low on angst, despite the years of pining.

Cash and Nick definitely had an abundance of chemistry, but instead of instantly making up for lost time, they made sure that they were on the same page first. I totally adored how tender and sweet they were together, and I loved how Cash took care of Nick, who was in pretty rough shape. It was beautiful to see how honest and open they were about their feelings for each other and the wants for their future.

There was a bit of suspense and intrigue from the continuing series plot, and I liked how things unfolded here. I felt like Aimee Nicole Walker did a great job of packing a lot things into this book without making anything feel rushed or incoherent. I found the flirting between the sheriff and Rue to be a lot of fun, and I’m really curious about them now.

I really enjoyed being back at Redemption Ridge, and I’m such a big fan of the found family feeling in this series. I honestly can’t wait to see more of these guys in the coming books!