A review by teenykins
Teach Me to Sin by Riley Nash


"Fuck choosing. I want everything."

3.5 stars and I'm not sure if I want to land on rounding up or down.

I was anticipating this since I read that it was gonna be Alek's story and that it was going to be MMM made it all the better! And although it was a lovely story and 300+ pages long I don't feel like I got to know Alek, Colson not Benji.

'I'm scared. But there's a comforting, breathing weight against my chest and my back, two people I want with a desire so primal and confused I can't process the thought of choosing between them.'

If you ask me what it comes to mind when I think of Alek, it's his father and the Center. Yes these are 2 major points in Alek's life but I wanted to read about him overcoming his fear of the water, taking it back and getting to enjoy it, his father's miasma not touching him anymore, but that was almost like a note in the end and not even from his POV. It was like he was a ghost in his own story.

When it comes to Benji he is a completely unknown for me. If it was ever mentioned why he went ahead with his father's schemes I totally missed it and I can't recall at all. He dropped like a dynamite in Alek's life breathing life and devastation as well. When he should have stand firm and help Alek he cowered and for that I can't forgive him.

And lastly Colson. Colson was so drowned into what he was, how wrongly he treated Gray it took the whole story to see another side of him. If he felt so bad about what he did to Gray, Gray's words about his selfishness so ingrained in him, why he never did something to change? I don't mean wholly because of course he had to change when he found the loves of his life but at least do a couple of steps forward and be such an a-hole. Although that a-hole had amazing chemistry with Alek!

I would have loved so incredibly for them to have had more time together, open up to each other and treat their hurts much more than we did, especially since it mostly had to do with current events and not events that scarred them before.

Finally I wished we had more time with them together sexually. I'm sorry but you can't just drop that Alek is a size queen mid sex scene, once and that's it. Yes I'm unapologetically a perv and proud of it.

All and all unlike the other 3 books in the series, I don't think we delved as deep here and I wanted more for Alek darn it all!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.