A review by timinbc
The Midnight Bargain by C.L. Polk


One one hand, this is a competently-presented Regency story, which gives us costumes and manners and courtly men, PLUS women automatically placed in the "it's so unFAIR!" mode that is so common in YA. In this case, the unfairness is a tad less subtle, with the magic-blocking collars. Well thought out, though.

On the other hand, it's a Regency story so much like so many others. If it's one of only a few, it's fine, and as a YA it might be a good entry point to the genre, but after the eighth or ninth they get a bit samey. This might be better than average.

Daddy is always super-inflexible, but Daughter is Plucky, and you know that it's going to end with Daddy all "it's the end of civilization as we know it but she's my daughter and I'll back her" (despite all his previous threats and schemes) while Mummy cries happily.

How about a Regency story that's about a man? An older women? LGBTQ+ ? How about one where our heroine ISN'T plucky, and ISN'T the strongest magician in the nine townships? How about one where the love interest isn't just Aragorn in silk breeches and lace?