A review by disasterchick
Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges Into Success by Donald J. Trump


I'm challenging myself to read the books written by our current and former POTUS and along with his and hopefully sometime in the not too distant future her immediate families. This is meant to be an inspirational read by talking about something that didn't come easy but Trump persisted and it became a success. The first comment that made me pause was when he was trying to build Trump Tower and the gentlemen that owned the land he needed said he would get back with him after the weekend and the guy got back with him. Trump said once in awhile you meeting someone honorable like that - is this an admittance that most of the people Trump deals with are not honorable? It really seemed like he didn't know what to do with this man. I did learn that he could have received a baseball scholarship for college, but he chose to go into real estate and business and chose Wharton instead. I was unaware that he even liked sports, and especially enough to receive a scholarship. I'm glad it wasn't his bone spurs but following his dream that made this decision. Seeing his actions as POTUS and reading this book make me realize that he probably did not write this book. He talks about doing your homework and listening to experts, and he does not do this. He surrounds himself with "yes men". However, listening to experts is something I highly recommend. He also stated, this is a world economy and we cannot be isolationists. Keep the focus global and you will be ahead of the game. However, I see his leadership cutting off and not working with the other global powers and becoming more isolationist. Even talking to Trump supports they are in agreement that we need to focus on US and not the world. I am glad I spent the time to read this book, but I find so much more contradiction in what the man says/writes and what he actually does.