A review by beththebookdragon
Death by Silver by Amy Griswold, Melissa Scott


First off, the magic system: using "magic squares" of numbers and a "grammar" of words is fascinating, but we're given precious few details of how it works until more than halfway through the book.

The mystery unfolds well, with tantalizing clues and a reasonable if slightly slow pace. As for the romance, it's a bit awkwardly written in at first, starting off as a "friendship with sex" relationship that both characters struggle with for cultural reasons (Victorian men, very much expected to marry and raise a family or at worst be chaste bachelors) without communicating well (very realistic for the time period)

The story is overall a bit rough sometimes in how the mystery and romance elements are braided together. Historical accuracy seems to abound, though.

Good for Victorian mystery and magic fans who are looking for stories with time-appropriate male couples.