A review by mbenzz
Scary Stories for Young Foxes by Christian McKay Heidicker


I just loved this little book! While picking my son up from his elementary schools after-school Library Club, I noticed this book on the 'New Releases' shelf. I picked it up, read the blurb, and bought it on my Kindle that night.

This is a creepy story, but not super dark or terrifying. It's just the right amount of scary for elementary aged children.

What I loved most about this book is how timeless it felt. I don't know how to classify it...it's not as dark as a Grimm Fairy Tale, and it's not as sweet and sugary as a Traditional Fairy Tale...it's somewhere right in the middle.

No location is given, nor is there a year, so these little foxes could exist anywhere in the world at any time, and that's what I loved. Even though this is a new book, it easily felt like the story could have been written 150 years ago.

So glad I saw this and picked it up on a whim. I definitely recommend this for elementary/middle grade readers. Great story!