A review by hooksbookswanderlust
The Chalice by Nancy Bilyeau


This was an amazing read, and I'm pleasantly surprised given that it was a cheap one from B&N. I'm a fan of historical fiction, but I must admit that I'd never read anything that took place during the reign of Henry VIII. I found myself looking up facts throughout the story to better aquatint myself with the background characters, to know who we're actual people in history and who were figments of the author's imagination.

The book was extremely well written. It unfolded before our eyes like scenes from a movie due to the vivid writing of the author. I could feel the uncertainty and fear that permeated the reign of Henry VIII. I understood the outrage, despair and hopelessness of the main character, Joanna, at the loss of the priories and monasteries. I felt her anger and resentment at being forced to act as the pawn in a game of thrones, constantly judged, used, and forced to choose to do things against her morals in order to satisfy someone with a hold over her. I liked that she stayed true to herself, refusing to do anything against those same morals, but being clever enough to figure a way around the constrictions. I liked her spirit, her heart, her resourcefulness, and her trust in a higher power to guide her.

This was the second book in a series, and while I don't feel like the first book was needed to grasp this book, I do think that some of the background would have helped. There were references to the previous book that I was curious about but they weren't necessary to this story. However, the story ended with me wanting more. There was resolution to the plot of this book, but it felt unfinished. What is to happen to the former novice turned spy turned conspirator turned entrepreneur? What happened to her former fiancé? What of The constable? Ahhh but that's why there is a third book.