A review by 420blazeit
Match Me If You Can by Susan Elizabeth Phillips


YAY, i loved this one!! when we are back to phoebe and dan being a part of the story, you know its going to be good. i loved this one, i loved Annabelle and her matchmaking business and can-do attitude paired with her sarcasm. her and heaths banter was 10/10 and i ate up every interaction they had. the side story with bodies and portia was nice too, although portia did scare me a little toward the end there ( and also she was right, bodies was acting like her part time shrink trying to psychoanalyze her every two seconds... man step off the gas and let her breathe) ANYWAY. this was a great read and had that frenemies-to-lovers feel that i love. also it was nice to be introduced to the Chicago stars bookclub, which i hope will be making its appearance again. also excited for deans book, he was a good guy to annabelle in this one. so anyway 4/5 loved it.