A review by colourful_kenyan
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata


3.75 STARS
This felt like a better version of Kulti and I have just confirmed that this was written after Kulti.

I don't know anyone who writes slow-burn the way Mariana does and I eat it up like no one's business. Vanessa has been working for Aiden for 3 years and now that she has saved up enough income to support herself for a year she wants to quit her job as a personal assistant. Aiden is an asshole with barely any friends who works hard in his sports career.
I love that Zapata always shows the behind-the-scenes that goes into sportsmanship. The amount of work people put into it. What an injury can do to the morale of the player and team. Aiden works for it and she shows it through Lana's eyes.
I liked Lana. She has had a rough childhood. She had an alcoholic mother, and abusive sisters and after being placed in a safe foster home she is drowning in debt. One thing she is not is a doormat. Once she hears her boss never defending her to his verbally abusive manager, she decides enough is enough and quits her job. Aiden tries to employ her again but understandably she is still mad because at the very least he should have discouraged Trevor from calling her names. She eventually forgives him after he grovels for some time and he asks her for her help in committing fraud. He offers to pay her debt if she agrees to marry him.

Their relationship grows over time. They become friends over time. It was not a linear progression but rather realistic. I love that she had goals of her own and worked hard to attain them. Aiden was so supportive. He grew to be a much better friend and a great husband. The way he calculates his risks is quite good
Spoiler when he hit the other guy for being a douchebag to his wife
and his willingness to learn was heartwarming.

The main issue I had with this is the stark similarity to Kulti and in my head, I could not stop comparing them. Like a more well-done version of it. Also, I understand that Aiden is huge but it was repeated so many times, it made me think of [b:The Spanish Love Deception|54189398|The Spanish Love Deception|Elena Armas|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1610900883l/54189398._SY75_.jpg|84555384]