A review by belle2022
The Last Phi Hunter by Salinee Goldenberg


This was absolutely fantastic, unlike any fantasy I’ve read before. This was such a unique and well written novel. I especially enjoyed the book as it was inspired by Thai folklore which I’m pretty certain I haven’t read before or even come across. It was still easy to grasp in terms of the demons and the peoples backgrounds. I had a great time with the magic system and developed the absolute biggest soft spot for the MMC, Ex.

Ex is fun, he is witty and sarcastic. But still has deep emotions and can act silly at times. He is honourable and there isn’t just one layer to him. I could not predict anything in this book and there were sooo many good moments. There are a few plot lines and while it was hard to get a follow on them at first, I ended up being very invested.

This book has many demons, ghosts, spirits and humans all inspired by thai folklore. We have multiple POVs in this novel which made it more interesting to read. It’s definitely more character driven and I would have liked more plot building but I firmly believe we will get this in book 2! Really good pacing and prose too. I am hoping for a sequel as that ending could definitely be yielding to one.

If you enjoy some jaded humour, inspired folklore, maybe a bit of a cheesy romance, good pacing and a fantasy like you’ve not read before. I highly recommend this! I gave it a 4.5 stars.