A review by karlyo83
Paper Ghosts by Julia Heaberlin


My Rating: 4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ very well written and entertaining!!!

Carl Louis Felman is an old man who was once a celebrated photographer. That was until he was tried for the murder of a young woman. Although acquitted his life has changed drastically, now he is living in a care home for dementia.

Now his only daughter comes to visit him, and shes going to take him on a trip. Only she is not his daughter, and this isn’t just any trip.

The young woman taking Carl on a trip is convinced he is guilty of his crime, and that he has killed more than one woman. She is convinced he killer her sister Rachel. The young woman is going to take Carl on murder trail to see if she can jog his memory (or find out if he’s faking his dementia) and get a confession and finally put her sister to rest.

If Carl is really a serial killer… she is alone, in the Texas wilderness with a very dangerous man.

This is my fourth (I think) book from Julia Heaberlin and she can really put a story together. I really enjoyed this one, although there was a lot of times where I was thinking a lot of nothing is happening… but I was still enjoying the ride. Some people may find this slow and perhaps it is but I thought it was interesting and really well done.

I don’t really have any qualms, I knocked a star off just because it wasn’t as good as her other books that I gave 5 stars to. I liked the atmosphere that the author created. It was daring and claustrophobic and I liked the “daughter’s” character a lot. We don’t find out her name until the very end of the book so I wont spoil it for you.

I liked the weird relationship of non-trust, semi-trust and semi-need for each other that Carl and his fake daughter built over the time of their trip. Carl has you convinced that he is guiltier than sin throughout this book.. but then will go and do something so out of character that it leaves you wondering why…and what could he possibly be up to.

I really enjoyed the dry wit and the matter of fact tone of the book…

I know I’m teetering, that my boots are over the edge of the same pretty precipice as the desert girl in the picture and if I don’t pull back soon, the canyon will slam up to meet me.
But I also know the through. No one else but me will ever carry it this far.

Jack Kevorkian was a lunatic who assisted suicides in the back of his van before it was ever considered humane. A principal contributor to the first Oxford English Dictionary was a patient in an asylum for the criminally insane after killing a father of six. The mathematically genius Pythagoras had an aversion to beans because he thought part of the soul exited the body with every fart.

Crazy people get shit done!!

I am going to keep this one short because I don’t have much to say.

Overall - if you like Julia’s books I would suggest giving this one a shot. If you haven’t read any of her books then I still recommend it although my standing favourite is [b:We Are All the Same in the Dark|49189494|We Are All the Same in the Dark|Julia Heaberlin|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1592880650l/49189494._SY75_.jpg|74637326]. This is a sad story, and for me it didn’t end how I thought it would, like all Julia’s books this is set in Texas. There is an epilogue at the end and I really liked the way it was put together it wasn’t a coffee catch up play by play with friends or a letter etc. it was a proper epilogue that gave new information and rounded out the story nicely… it wasn’t over the top and it left you hanging with just enough information for what he future held for each of the characters.