A review by carnation7
Captain Grant's Children by Jules Verne


Have you ever liked something simply because it was loved by someone you love?

"Captain Grant's Children" got that much going for it at the start of my reading, because some 50 years ago it was loved by three young, adventurous boys who would grow up to be my father and uncles.

After an adventurous summer hiking trip, I was feeling adventurous, myself- I wanted to read a good, solid, old-school adventure novel.

I really liked the premise, the beginning and the ending caught my attention, some tricky situations were resolved in a really clever manner, there were quite a few interesting tidbits, but...

But the 19th-century blend of an adventure novel and literary documentary didn't work for me.

There was a plot, definitely, but slowed down by numerous descriptions of curious local weather conditions, peculiarities of flora and fauna, inventories of the ship's many sails...

On the one hand, reading all this extra information was truly fascinating, especially when a reader reminds himself there was no Wiki, no internet, no television in Jules Verne's time. Gathering information, plotting and writing the thing must have been exhausting! A brilliant undertaking!

On the other hand, it was... all... just... too... much. :/ I might have been too millenial for it.

So, I can appreciate it, but I didn't truly enjoy it.