A review by vailynst
Extinction Aftermath by Nicholas Sansbury Smith



I like how Smith ties up different details that were drawn into the story from the very first book and on. That said, I should not have listened to the last three books without putting in more buffer space between the books because it made me note how often certain things were done in the book for characters, feelings & plot. They sort of bleed into each other in a hazy fashion. My advice is to give yourself some time between books. That way you can really enjoy the story for what it is and not get hung up on similarities like I did.

I have NO idea how the surviving members are going to get out of the current hot mess! Guess I will have to get the last book to find out how that series of miracles will occur. =D

Really enjoyed the changes on the Variants. I like it. It makes evil-doer sense and doesn't hit my story believe it net too hard. Smith does a great job of really hammering in the heart feels about humanity. How you can really do without some and want to wreck heaven & earth to help others. Yup! Solid points for making me feel emotions.