A review by kaitrosereads
Rosebush by Michele Jaffe


Rosebush was a totally twisted story. Michelle Jaffe wrote an amazing thriller with this one and I wouldn't mind reading more books like this one.

Jane Freeman can't remember anything about the night before. All she knows is that someone tried to kill her and nobody believes her. Threatening messages and phone calls don't mean anything because nobody believes that she is actually getting them. Will Jane figure out the mystery of who is trying to kill her before it's too late?

Jane was an interesting character. I liked her because she had more than one side and I liked finding out more about her and her past. Her friends were the really odd ones, though. Kate, Langley, Ollie, David, and Scott all had secrets and I couldn't guess any of them. I loved the mystery.

The plot was okay but there didn't seem to be a ton going on with the killer for most of the book. The memories from the night before kept it interesting though. Jane kept remembering things and it seemed like every new memory changed who the killer might be. It was awesome!

Overall, Rosebush is a unique book for the young adult market. It's full of suspense, romance, and lots of secrets. Oh and really hot guys! =]