A review by ambeesbookishpages
Containment by Caryn Lix


The full review + more can be found at The Book Bratz

When I finished Sanctuary I had no idea if there was going to be a sequel or not. So when I saw news of Containment I was super excited! Though I loved Sanctuary it was left very open ended, so I was excited to get the answers that I been waiting for. Containment answered some of those questions but also added more to that list. This book was a 500 page emotional roller coaster that had me laughing, crying and angry all in the span of ten pages.

It isn't often that you see PTSD represented in Science Fiction novels and I really enjoyed seeing that representation in Containment. Some characters go through hell and back and can bounce back, but others can't. Watching Kenzie's actions through out Containment you can see how the events on Sanctuary shaped and changed her. How in certain moments she freezes up or how she had nightmares about Matt's death. I'm intrigued to see where Kenzie's character is going to go in the next book.

Overall I loved Containment and I am eagerly awaiting news of a third book. Containment was action packed and didn't slow down for a moment. With the introduction of knew characters, powers and setting Containment will keep you entertained from the first and until the last page.