A review by kat_the_bookcat
Phantom Song by Kate Sheeran Swed


The Phantom of the Opera but make it gay. Oh, and it's in space too.

Not going to lie, this was my favorite book in the series (yes, I've read book three too. I'm just late posting reviews). I finished this book in about two hours. I couldn't put it down! One, I love Phantom, two, I love vigilantes, and three, who doesn't love a good story about revenge?

Picking up where Parting Shadows left off, we have Astra, Iz, and Henry trying to hunt down an individual wanting to cause harm to certain people I won't name because of spoilers. Of course, they bump into the totally awesome opera singer/vigilante, Claire (not a spoiler. It's literally in the description, people!). The four team up to save Landry City. Oh, and there's a twist in there I definitely didn't see coming. Well done, Kate! I'm going to shut up now before I give anything away.

Click here for my review on book one.