A review by gauriraut
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson


Started out strong but then right before the final conflict it dragged on for so long I thought I was going to dnf it. I didn't. But it's not like the end was incredible or anything, it was okayish.

My main problem was that I felt the stakes were too low. Elisabeth never had a personal reason to stop the evil dude. Sure the world is ending, but why did she care? (Apart for the obvious fact that it's ending lol.)

As for the Thorn guy, he was okay I guess. But he gave off major 'I'm not like other male leads who brood. I'm funny, cool, sociable, and handsome', vibes but oh well. And he also only started to help because he was scared the FL would get herself killed or something on her own. So zero personal investment.

The evil dude was comically evil. He seemed like the cliche where he's an evil guy who truly thinks he's doing right *eye roll* I'm tired of noble evil villains who're shocked when someone says they're evil. I want villains who know they might be considered bad for what they do, and what they do is bad, but by god they believe in it and will stop anyone that tries to stop them.

Silas was the only character that I thought had some rotundity to him. He was multi faceted and enjoyable to read in any situation. 10/10 would read a book from his pov about how absolutely annoying it is to look after Nathaniel and make food for him and fix his cravat when he ties it wrongly.

I skimmed the end 25% in a sleepy haze, just thankful the book was done. What an absolute shame.
The only good thing now is that since this is over, I can start a new one.