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A review by melbsreads
Greenlight by Benjamin Stevenson


Trigger warnings: murder, blood, violence, gun violence, death, eating disorder, vomit, serious injury to a family member (in the past), death of a parent (in the past).

The concept of this is SO FREAKING COOL - TV producer making a show about a murder case helps get the suspected killer out of jail and then realises that maybe he's made a mistake. But I felt like the case often faded into the background in favour of discussions about the nature of the town and, more significantly, Jack's eating disorder.

While it's significant to have a story featuring not only a male protagonist with an eating disorder, but a male protagonist IN HIS FORTIES with an eating disorder, after a while it sort of began to feel like everything else was taking a backseat to Jack thinking about food and whether to eat or not and debating purging and OMG I DID NOT EXPECT THAT IN A THRILLER (and I also felt like it didn't really need to be in a thriller to the extent that it was...).

So yeah. I thought I would love this, but I just found it hard going for the most part. Sigh.