A review by philyra91
Love Is Hell by Scott Westerfeld, Melissa Marr, Justine Larbalestier


Absolutely amazing is all I can say! I truly enjoyed each and every one of the stories in this compilation! :) I do have a question about the title though. Why "Love Is Hell"? It makes me want to think that all the love stories in the book are bad ones, like abusive ones or something equally hideous. I mean, all, if not most, of the stories have somewhat happy endings. The rest have bittersweet endings, which in my opinion, are good endings sometimes. I suppose "Love Is Hell" just takes to mean that love can be a painful journey, as one of the story MOST DEFINITELY illustrates.

But enough about me harping on the title. The stories here, assembling some of the most awesome writers in the YA genre at the moment, are nothing short of spectacular, in my opinion. The only sad thing is that because it's a compilation, all 5 stories are novellas at best, which can be both a good thing and a bad thing. If you want a quick read, this is PERFECT. But at the same thing, at the end of it all, you'd yearn for more. Trust me.

Definitely a great read. I recommend it to all! :D