A review by chaosmavin
A Hacker's Mind: How the Powerful Bend Society's Rules, and How to Bend them Back by Bruce Schneier


OK technically I listen to this book but they did not have an audiobook edition. Since it was an audiobook let's get out of the way it's read very well by the narrator. Now I picked up this book because it was going to help me think like a hacker... Maybe some inside tips… Backdoor strategies… Instead the book essentially is about how the one percent and their government elected cronies have been basically hacking the system to keep the rest of us in the down unders… Not to be confused with the upside down #strangerThings. I think the book is worth three but it's gonna piss you off… Unless you are one of the 1% taking advantage of the rest of us. I don't know that it was anything that was shocking but it was like more a oh here's the actual proof that everything I thought about the 1% in the electeds in power is on the nose! If you're somehow brainwashed and think that really rich people deserve what they have you should probably read this book… You should also probably read this book if you think somehow you're going to be one of those really rich people… Because we don't read the book and learn how they're taking advantage of the system of the time to be those rich people you're definitely not going to be one of those rich people.