A review by paddlefoot55
My Favorite Cowboy by Donna Grant


ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

I have such terrible bookzheimer's that I didn't realise this book was part of the Heart of Texas series until I started reading and remembered reading the other two books - derp!

Caleb has been the hold out of these Texas boys, and I knew it was going to take some kind of extraordinary woman to take him off the market.

Audrey got me from the start (though I don't understand her love of horses - they are the beasts of satan lol).

I loved being taken along with Caleb and Audrey as they fight their feelings for each other, and as they fight the person/s who have it out for her.

It was great to get more of Clayton/Abby and Brice/Naomi. I love how strong their familial bonds.

I wanted to slap both Caleb and Audrey with my kindle at times to get some sense into their heads, however I knew they would get their crap together in the end.

I enjoy Donna Grant's writing style. I always feel that I am in the book with the characters rather than an outsider looking in. She drew me into life on the ranch, and kind of made me want to get on a plane and go visit.

I look forward to what Ms Grant brings us next.