A review by ash_ton
A Temptation of Angels by Michelle Zink


4.5/5 !!!

Let it be known that this didn't take me a long time to read because it sucked. It was actually really good; college is just kicking my ass. 🙃

Most of the characters seemed like they were well thought out, but Alastor kind of seemed like a generic villain with no substance behind him, and Raum didn't really get any time to shine. I think that's why I didn't get why Helen had such strong feelings towards him. Darius may have been a dick, but I liked him more than Raum. It was obvious that there was going to be a relationship between Helen and Griffin, but I liked that there was, because they mesh well together. Also, I like that it didn't happen immediately. It was over the course of like a week, but it didn't seem like insta-love.