A review by shreyas1599
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald


This is the only book that I’ve read where I’ve read the book after having watched the movie and the depictions in the movie influenced my imaginations while reading it.

To me, it seems the entire novel is one gigantic poem. There is no plot per se. There’s just romantic ramblings and high society depictions all around.

The Great Gatsby is a story of love and of tragedy. It’s a story of practicality and the beastality of human nature. It’s a story of how, at the drop of a dime, a human will forego every “good” emotion that a human has equipped within them, to save their own skin. It’s also a story if pretentiousness and how everything one does has to stand the test of outsiders strong and judgemental gaze.

Love does not always win. There’s matters of practicalities that creep in, which eventually make cracks big enough to destroy any semblance of the hint of love that once existed.

The ending also provides a grim outlook on life. People will flock to you, as long as you have the requisite green paper to show off. They will build tales about you and revel in the display of your green paper. Those very same individuals, who praised you for everything, will turn a 180 degrees on all of their statements and forget that you ever existed.

Death is a painful reminder that in the end, one is all alone and no amount of wealth can change that. It is the one giant equaliser, as one finds one’s existence locked away for eternity six feet under.