A review by daumari
This Is Your Mind on Plants by Michael Pollan


I liked it, though this felt like a short works companion adjacent to How to Change Your Mind (writing this on mobile so can't link book but may edit in later).

The opium section was originally in Harper's Weekly >20 years ago, with original pages restored that had been previously removed to avoid rubbing afoul of legal issues re: manufacturing a scheduled drug (presumably things have changed if we're publishing in a book). Caffeine was originally an Audible original, and the second paper version of an audible exclusive I've seen which makes me wonder about how those exclusivity contracts work (especially in light of Sanderson's discussion about how poor Audible's deals are). Mescaline, then, seems to be original for this book, especially as describes plans in the first year of the pandemic.

Would've been a relatively short read, but my time is occupied!