A review by __livesbtweenpgs__
The Lieutenant's Possession by K. Langston



Umm...where do I begin?

This family..these brothers! Next up is Asher and hot damn did he deliver plus some!

I am without words right now without giving away spoilers, ahhh its so hard!

Marley and Asher are fire! Without a doubt these two as of right now are my favorite. Asher just has this come hither type of vibe that makes you want to get lost in just everything him, I would volunteer as tribute for damn sure!

Marley could be anyones best friend IRL. Also, Lyla is the cutest! I couldn't help but feel for these two because I am a mom and I understand Marleys thinking when Lyla is involved.

I could not he more happy with how this book came to a close, it was beautiful, full of happiness and joy but most of all it brought the biggest of smiles to my face.

These Cunningham Brothers are taking over, be careful once you get to know them you will be OBSESSED!

But one question lingers...who is next? 😁