A review by shelvedthoughts
Matched with Her Fake Fiance by Britney M. Mills


Reader’s Notes:

– this is part of a series, but can be read as a stand-alone

– this is told from Dani and Miles’s points of view


I loved Dani and Miles (but especially Miles)! I enjoyed reading their meet cute scene and how they both reacted to the situation(s) thrown at them. I loved seeing inside both their heads and what they were thinking about everything. I found Miles’s friends to be very funny in how they would test Miles’s feelings for Dani (or just tease him about them). I loved seeing Miles dote on Dani and that Dani wasn’t quick to accept everything he was freely giving her as it made her more relatable to me. Some of my favorite scenes included: Dr. Pepper, clothes fitting, meeting Oliver, and the hockey game.

Dani is not having a good start to post-college life. First, her boyfriend of five years broke things off with her when she was expecting an engagement ring. Any other guy she has dated since either was not the one for her or a major dud. And now work is putting a ton of pressure on her for an upcoming event. The only highlight in her life (besides her best friends/roommates) is meeting Miles on her most recent failed date.

Miles does not want to be set up on dates with his mother anymore. She tries controlling him in all aspects in his life and now he’s ready to put his foot down. Though he isn’t ready to seriously date, he decides to ask the girl he recently met if she’d be willing to fake date him and attend some events to keep unwanted women away. When Dani agrees, he finds it hard not to fall for her after a few dates and stick to the rules they set.

Can he convince Dani that they could be more before the term of the fake relationship comes?