A review by bookrambler
The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard


The protagonists of this story are Jina, who works in tech and Levi, team leader of an elite paramilitary unit called the Go-TEAM. The story is told in dual POVs and in the third person.

Jina Modell goes from working in the office of a paramilitary group to being drafted for in the field operations as a drone operator. She’s assigned to “Go-TEAM,” and must go through and pass rigorous physical training to keep her job, or she must quit. Jina is determined not to leave and more so because of Levi, whose team she's been assigned to.

The first half (and then some) of the book focuses on the grueling training Jina has to go through and how she navigates her relationship with Levi. So there's romance and then here's the suspense part: a powerful congresswoman wants to sabotage McNamara, and she wants to do this by taking down his beloved Go-TEAM.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an eARC.