A review by drey72
Feenring by Linda Robertson, Ralf Schmitz


Oh, Persephone. Nothing you do will ever be enough to keep the peace, will it? Especially when there’s a crazed fairy leader who’s just itching for a fight. When Seph, Xerxandrea, and Menessos come up with a plan to protect Seph — and Menessos — Seph knows it’s going to leave a lot of people ticked off. It’s not like she has other options, though. The things a girl does for peace…

So, off we go on another adventure. This one’s littered with lies, and it doesn’t take much before Seph learns who’s friend and who’s foe.

I’m liking this series more, the more I read. Seph started out reluctant and doubtful, and here she’s strong and if not always sure, she’s at least aware that sometimes she is the only one who can do what needs doing. And she does it without complaint. Acceptance is a necessary step in growth, and she walks that path with eyes wide open.

Saving the world from crazy fairies takes a lot from Seph — and Johnny and Menessos too. I’m still not sure about the threesome, but it sure is entertaining. Though now, I’m wondering how her actions at the end of the fairy-fight will affect their relationship – hers and Johnny’s, hers and Menessos’, and Johnny’s and Menessos’ (which right now is pretty much just fighting over who has the girl) – and Menessos. His life going forward is going to be different by necessity, so what’s he going to do about it? I’ll be picking up Arcane Circle as soon as I can to find out!

This one has everything an Urban Fantasy fan can ask for. A complicated heroine who’s strong and kicks ass. A couple of heroes/sidekicks (hah!) who’re strong in their own right, and as annoyingly smug about it too. Plenty of plot and action. And plenty of repercussions for actions taken. Give it a whirl if you haven’t already. Start with Vicious Circle.

drey’s rating: Excellent!