A review by hammock_and_read
Ever After Always by Chloe Liese


The Bergman family is back and this time we get the oldest sister- Freya! WOW--What a powerful 5 star book! Uftda this is one hard review to write. This book was just a tear jerker for me so much. I saw myself in Aiden so much but also Freya. During grad school after hitting rock bottom I started therapy and was diagnosed with GAD and realized just how much I didn't understand most people don't have panic attacks or overanalyze simple things in daily life. Aiden's fear of failure is so real and can't communication even with his wife over his fears from his anxiety. I didn't have the hard childhood background but just saw the GAD parts so real and anxiety is not the same for everyone and on a spectrum but Chloe- thank you so much for writing this! And in Freya we also get body positivity and a red bikini!

Chloe is the queen of writing the hard parts of life and she rocks it with this one! I'm single so I can't say much about the marriage part but it felt so real, human, messy and full of also family drama. But the chemistry is still so there even after ten years of marriage. drama. There is therapy - and super raw steam and relearning communication.

Like all these books we get the amazing Bergman family and in this one its important side characters - even if you want to punch the man twins. I can't wait for each of them to get their HEA! Also, we get more of Freya's parents and get more of them! Can't wait for the next one to get Axel and Rooney's story and more of the brothers.

5 star
4 steam

Thanks so much to the author for this book in exchange for an honest review.