A review by sof
The Tower Must Fall by S.E. Bennett


NetGalley copy in exchange of an honest review">my link text.

Welcome to the land of fairy tales! Unfortunately, no happily-ever-after is on the menu for the time being.

Magical creatures live in hiding, now, and they are chased. Those creatures are often called Unnaturals, or Cryptids, and their pursuers are the Animus.

But life is not just black and white, now, is it?

When Marek Tobar (Cryptid) saves Enyo Namenlos’ life (Animus), they found themselves bound to each other by old rules. And their story has only just begun.

And the war is coming.

“Hello, there, handsome.
- It’s a mare, Marek.
- Oh. Hello there, beautiful.
- Get in the dogs-forsaken saddle, before you get us both killed.”

I really enjoyed this book.

It’s fast-paced, full of action and loveable characters. It takes an very interesting twist on the fairy tales we know and love, and I thought it was really creative and enjoyable -- refreshing, too!

The style is easy to read and funny - there’s a lot of humour in this story, and it’s a clever humour I thoroughly enjoyed all throughout the book.

I think the best element is the world building. The descriptions are vivid and highly immersive, and in the end the reader (aka, me) cannot escape the feeling of being inside the world: I truly had the impression of living in a faraway, magical kingdom, and this is really, really great. Another impression is like having lots of fairy tales inside a bigger one.

The characters are great, too, because they don’t fall into cliché versions of themselves. If anything, it feels like Enyo is the Prince saving Marek’s ass.

One thing I particularly loved about those two is the mutual respect they have for each other, which is something we don’t read enough of, in my opinion.

If you love dark, twisted fairy tales about trust, sacrifice, bravery, great world-building, accepting the differences in everyone, dreams and forgiveness, please do give The Tower Must Fall a try, because I’m sure you won’t regret it!
